Captain Scott Richards
The Special Services Division is a multitude of specialty divisions that complement the Patrol Division. Within Special Services are the Traffic and Parking Control Units, the K-9 Unit, the Mountain Bike Patrol, ATV Unit and the Motorcycle Unit.
The Special Services Division coordinates all police details at parades, elections, and other special functions, and works closely with many city agencies, including the Governor’s Highway Safety Bureau, the Department of Public Works Signage, and elected officials that have concerns about traffic and safety.
The equipment utilized within the division includes three low profile cruisers, two permanent and two seasonal leased Harley-Davidson motorcycles, twelve mountain bikes, and two all-terrain vehicles.
The Traffic Division currently employ a variety of radar units to monitor speed within the city. The equipment includes a laser unit, numerous hand held units, a number of portable rechargeable hand held units, and four moving/stationary units with portable sign boards that depict the violators speed on a visual display. Recenlty added are four permanently mounted radar units currently being used on Main Street and Lynn Street.
The Meter Division maintains all of Peabody’s parking meters.